It’s Been a While

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. Not because I haven’t wanted to. As one of my kids said – “it’s a great outlet for me” (insert eye roll). Things have really just been that busy.

So after my last post, I kind of left people hanging. Hubs matched at the University of MN – so, we get to stay put!! Since that point, we moved (locally thankfully), hubs graduated (should I call him DrHubs now?), had out of state family move to MN (YAY!!!), he started residency and now we’re preparing for the start of school for the kids. There have been work trips – Las Vegas, Nashville and California and many hours, heck even days, that we go without seeing him. Most days he leaves before we’re up and then gets back well after the kids are in bed. On the bright side, when he’s home – he’s truly home. We’ve had to learn to do more with less and are adjusting to dad being gone at work instead of school. While he’s not in a specialty that is crazy competitive like surgery or ortho (and have the reputation of having crazy hours), he still is away a LOT.

The best part is that he is finally getting paid! Now, if I take that pay and divide it by the hours that he works, I’m pretty sure I got paid more hourly babysitting in 1991 than what he gets. But, something is better than nothing right?

Finally, and most importantly, HE MADE IT! He’s officially an MD. Through all of the trials (and there were a LOT of them!), God has carried us and gave us constant reminders of how faith truly works. So, for now, I will do my best to write. More to come!

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